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nested set model(嵌套集合模型)是一种在关系型数据库中表示 的特殊技术。[nested sets]通常指的是关系树或者层级关系。这个术语是由 清晰的提出来的,还有人使用不同的术语来描述这一技术。
该技术的出现解决了标准关系代数和关系演算以及基于它们的SQL操作不能直接在层次结构上表示所有期望操作的问题。层级可以用parent-child relation (父子关系)术语来表示 - Celko称之为 [adjacency list model],但是如果可以有任意的深度,这种模型不能用来展示类似的操作比如比较两个元素的层级或者确定一个元素是否位于另一个元素的子层级,当一个层级结构是固定的或者有固定的深度,这种操作必须通过每一层的 (关系连接)来实现。但是这将很低效。这通常被称为物料清单问题。
- 支持专门的层级结构数据类型,比如SQL的 facility(层级查询工具)。
- 使用层级操作扩展关系型语言,比如 。
- 使用扩展关系型语言,比如SQL的CONNECT语句;这可以在parent-child relation 使用但是执行起来比较低效。
- 层级结构查询可以在支持循环且包裹关系的操作的语言中实现。比如 , or a
使用nested sets 将比使用一个遍历adjacency list的储存过程更快,对于天生缺乏递归的查询结构也是更快的选择。比如MySQL.但是递归SQL查询语句也能提供类似“迅速查询后代”的语句并且在其他深度搜索查询是更快,所以也是对于提供这一功能的数据库的更快选择。例如 , , and .
The use case for a dynamic endless database tree hierarchy is rare. The Nested Set model is appropriate where the tree element and one or two attributes are the only data, but is a poor choice when more complex relational data exists for the elements in the tree. Given an arbitrary starting depth for a category of 'Vehicles' and a child of 'Cars' with a child of 'Mercedes', a foreign key table relationship must be established unless the tree table is naively non-normalized. Attributes of a newly created tree item may not share all attributes with a parent, child or even a sibling. If a foreign key table is established for a table of 'Plants' attributes, no integrity is given to the child attribute data of 'Trees' and its child 'Oak'. Therefore, in each case of an item inserted into the tree, a foreign key table of the item's attributes must be created for all but the most trivial of use cases. If the tree isn't expected to change often, a properly normalized hierarchy of attribute tables can be created in the initial design of a system, leading to simpler, more portable SQL statements; specifically ones that don't require an arbitrary number of runtime, programmatically created or deleted tables for changes to the tree. For more complex systems, hierarchy can be developed through relational models rather than an implicit numeric tree structure. Depth of an item is simply another attribute rather than the basis for an entire DB architecture. As stated in SQL Antipatterns:
Nested Sets is a clever solution – maybe too clever. It also fails to support referential integrity. It’s best used when you need to query a tree more frequently than you need to modify the tree.
The model doesn't allow for multiple parent categories. For example, an 'Oak' could be a child of 'Tree-Type', but also 'Wood-Type'. An additional tagging or taxonomy has to be established to accommodate this, again leading to a design more complex than a straightforward fixed model. Nested sets are very slow for inserts because it requires updating left and right domain values for all records in the table after the insert. This can cause a lot of database stress as many rows are rewritten and indexes rebuilt. However, if it is possible to store a forest of small trees in table instead of a single big tree, the overhead may be significantly reduced, since only one small tree must be updated. The does not suffer from this problem, but is more complex to implement, and is not as well known. It still suffers from the relational foreign-key table problem. The nested interval model stores the position of the nodes as rational numbers expressed as quotients (n/d). [](//www.sigmod.org/publications/sigmod-record/0506/p47-article-tropashko.pdf)
使用上面描述的nested set modal 在一些特定的树遍历操作上有性能限制。比如根据父节点查找直接子节点需要删选子树到一个指定的层级如下所示:
SELECT Child.Node, Child.Left, Child.RightFROM Tree as Parent, Tree as ChildWHERE Child.Left BETWEEN Parent.Left AND Parent.Right AND NOT EXISTS ( -- No Middle Node SELECT * FROM Tree as Mid WHERE Mid.Left BETWEEN Parent.Left AND Parent.Right AND Child.Left BETWEEN Mid.Left AND Mid.Right AND Mid.Node NOT IN (Parent.Node AND Child.Node) ) AND Parent.Left = 1 -- Given Parent Node Left Index复制代码
SELECT DISTINCT Child.Node, Child.Left, Child.RightFROM Tree as Child, Tree as Parent WHERE Parent.Left < Child.Left AND Parent.Right > Child.Right -- associate Child Nodes with ancestorsGROUP BY Child.Node, Child.Left, Child.RightHAVING max(Parent.Left) = 1 -- Subset for those with the given Parent Node as the nearest ancestor复制代码
SELECT Child.Node, Child.Left, Child.RightFROM Tree as Child, Tree as ParentWHERE Child.Depth = Parent.Depth + 1 AND Child.Left > Parent.Left AND Child.Right < Parent.Right AND Parent.Left = 1 -- Given Parent Node Left Index复制代码